White Hair Treatment: How to get rid of White Hair Permanently (Naturally) at Home

Greying of hair is natural as one ages. However if you’re below 35 years of age, and you have grey strands of hair. This might be a little alarming. 

But the good news is that you need not depend on the temporary solution of hair dyes. As this condition is very much treatable at home. 

But the question is, 

How do Black hairs turn into White?

How does black hair turn white in the first place?

The answer lies in the chemical chord Melanin.

Melanin produce by hair follicles is responsible for the colour of the hair. When the production of melanin reduces black hair starts turning white.

So in this article, I’m going to share with you the root causes, effective measures and one simple home remedy which will increase the production of melanin and reverse greying of hair.

Nothing matches the dread that you feel at the appearance of your first white strands. Isn’t it?

Causes For Greying of Hair

Apart from genetics, the root cause of premature greying of hair is due to the increased levels of heat in the body. Now this heat could be due to various reasons. Like,

  • Excessive eating of fried and junk food, 
  • Regular eating of food which is too spicy, 
  • High intake of beverages like tea and coffee, 
  • Prolong exposure to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, 
  • Air pollution, 
  • Using harsh shampoos, 
  • Perfumed hair oils and other toxic hair products, 
  • Smoking cigarettes on a daily basis, 
  • Over Consumption of alcohol
  • Stress, anxiety, and even anger may contribute to the greying of hair.

During teenage, the hormones are all over the place. At this time the heat levels of the body are naturally high.

How to Avoid greying of Hair?

So we can see not all the factors that we discussed are under our control.

But what’s under control is that we can keep our body hydrated and eating fresh seasonal fruits, vegetables are the best way to keep the water levels of the body up.

Improper nutrition is an overlooked factor that becomes the major cause of premature greying of hair in more than 50% of the places.

Protein is one of the most important macronutrients needed for good hair health.

So make sure to include protein-rich foods like milk, paneer, pulses, chicken, eggs, fish in your daily diet.

Moreover, green leafy vegetables, oats, curry leaves, nuts, coconut oil, being rich in B Vitamins, Biotin, Iron and copper are very helpful in reversing grey hair.

It was recently discovered that hair follicles release a small amount of hydrogen peroxide which gets accumulated over time. 

It bleaches the hair and causes it to turn grey. By removing this accumulation it is possible for your hair to retain its natural colour.

Home Remedy 

So, I want to talk about one home remedy which does exactly that. There are so many home remedies for grey hair, but this, in my opinion, is the most effective.

All you will need is Black tea, Salt and Water.

  1. Take about 500ml of water, 
  2. Add two tablespoons of black tea, one teaspoon of salt. 
  3. Boil it for 5 minutes. [Black tea hair mask gives hair keratin and melanin a great boost, which restores the natural pigment of the hair, thereby reducing the white hair.] 
  4. Strain the liquid into a jar store it cool and gently massage it on your hair.
  5. Let it stay for about 20 minutes and then wash it off. Avoid using the shampoo as it can remove the tannin from the black tea.

Follow this remedy for at least 4 to 5 times a week to see a visible difference in the appearance of your grey hair.

So that’s all, I hope you found this home remedy to be helpful. 

If you want me to come up with more home remedies then do let me know in the comment section below. 

Also if you have any questions then in case contact us here.

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