5 Daily Foods You are Eating the Wrong Way

No matter how healthy your food looks on paper. Eating it the way it is not meant to be eaten will only do more harm than any good.

It’s shocking to know that there are so many amazing foods in which a majority of us are unknowingly eating the wrong way.

This is the reason digestive problems, skin issues and hair fall various chronic illnesses [Diabetes, Heart, Arthritis, PCOD, Liver, Obesity, Cancer] are on the rise.

In this article, I’m going to reveal 5 amazing healthy foods we are eating in the wrong way, the ways to fix it. So that they work for us and not against us.


5 Daily Foods you are eating the wrong way.

Starting with Number 5 on the list is Garlic.

Garlic is one of the most misunderstood foods that people eat. Garlic is a powerful herb and in ayurvedic scripture, it has been considered more than just-food.

It can treat some of the major disorders of the body but it should not be consumed daily. Yes, the way we have started eating it every day.

Using garlic cloves for tempering all our vegetables, it’s alarming.

We must understand that garlic is a powerful stimulant, it tremendously impacts our nervous system. Garlic contains some sulfur compounds which act as a poison for the brain cells.

Dr. Robert [Bob] C. Beck, DSc. discovered [3,4] that garlic is toxic because the sulphone hydroxyl ion penetrates the blood-brain barrier, just like Dimethyl Sulf-Dioxide (DMSO), and a specific poison for higher-life forms and brain cells.

Garlic, when eaten on a daily basis, has a Tamasic[Food of Ignorance] effect on the body. It even kills the good bacteria on the cut.

People looking to grow spiritually should definitely avoid garlic. This message has been conveyed in various scriptures.

An old Turkish legend explains that when Satan was thrown out of heaven, garlic sprouted where he first placed his left foot, and onions grew where he placed his right foot.

Even when garlic is used as food in Chinese culture it is considered harmful to the stomach, liver and eyes, and a cause of dizziness and scattered energy when consumed in inmoderate amounts.

Horace, Roman lyric poet and satirist, said of garlic in his Epodes, that it is “more poisonous than hemlock”

Take cough syrup, for example, drinking it when needed can cure your cough. 

Now imagine drinking it for 365 days a year. Completely defeats the purpose isn’t it?

And these days you can find people suggesting to eat raw garlic on a daily basis to get its benefits. It can be severely damaging for your nervous system.

According to Ayurveda garlic should only be eaten to treat diseases under proper guidance and in a very specific manner.

Eating it daily will surely have a negative impact on your brain and overall body.

Sweet Potato

5 Daily Foods you are eating the wrong way.

Number 4 on the list is Sweet Potato.

Rich in Vitamin A, B, C with lots of dietary fiber, sweet potatoes is among the best sources of complex carbohydrates which when consumed provide us energy for a very long time.

Many dieticians suggest boiled sweet potatoes for fat loss.

Some will tell you to avoid them all together thinking that they will only make them gain weight.

But did you know that this amazing starchy food vegetable can be used for both weight loss as well as weight gain?

Just the way the recipes are different. Ayurvedic texts mention that if a person’s goal is to put on some weight in the form of muscle mass, he or she should eat boiled sweet potato most of the time.

This is primarily because the increased water content in the boiled sweet potato actually helps increase weight.

On the contrary, if your goal is to shed a few kilos of fat, you should avoid boiled sweet potato. Instead, you should eat them baked, dry roasted or even roasted with a little bit of cold-pressed oil.

It will further support fat loss if you can eat them without peeling.

Add some black pepper, sprinkle some lemon juice and keep rock salt to a minimum to get the most for your fat loss goals.

Basil Leaves

5 Daily Foods you are eating the wrong way.

Number 3 on the list is Basil Leaves. Basil or Tulsi due to its miraculous therapeutic properties is revered as God Leaves, not just in Indian ancient culture but throughout the world. 

However today most people in Indian homes are using these healing herbs in such a way that it is actually harming their body.

The reason is Tulsi tea, yes.

Ayurvedic scriptures clearly mentioned that Tulsi and milk are incompatible foods when consuming them together in any way you will produce toxins in the body.

So Tulsi tea is out of the question. This is the reason you will find me telling about tulsi tea without milk in any of my previous articles.

Not just this, tulsi leaves should never be chewed, these days basil leaves are used in various cuisines throughout the world without taking into account how chewing them can actually be detrimental. 

Yes, basil has a poisonous pigment in them which if accidentally remains stuck in your mouth can seriously damage your teeth.

To get the maximum benefit from basil leaves you should simply swallow them.

Of Course, tulsi leaves have some of the most astonishing benefits both physically as well as mentally but make sure that you skip consuming it at least a day every week, so that your system doesn’t get used to it.


5 Daily Foods you are eating the wrong way.

Number 2 on the list are Sprouts. Food can be prefixed with the word ‘Super’ when sprouted. That’s the level of life pores sprouts poses. 

Being one of the most concentrated forms of living foods they can easily replace your multivitamin pills.

As it has Iron which cures Anemia & Haemoglobin levels, Calcium which strengthens bones, Phosphorus which maintains teeth, Biotin makes hair stronger, Vitamin A which maintains eye health & Minerals in them.

However, as their living, they’re extremely sensitive foods and utmost care should be taken while consuming them as you can suffer digestive issues.

First of all, sprouts should never be cooked, boiled or heated. Yes, heating them directly over the flame even for a few seconds can make them lose all their nutrients.

So if you’re eating boiled sprouts, you are getting nothing more than the fiber from them.

Sprouts are cold nature fruits that are not so easy to digest.

So make sure that you do not go overboard them, just a small bowl in one serving is good enough to properly assimilate all the nutrients that it has.

Sprout should be considered just like a salad. That means that they should strictly be eaten before the meal and not after.

They should not be combined with cooked food either. Although you can mix them with raw vegetables and fruits.

And as they are cold and hard to digest one should strictly avoid them post 5 pm. It’s best to eat sprouts when the sun is at the top.

Sprouts are not just a complete source of vegetarian protein but have fiber, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals

All you need to know is the right way of eating them.

Now before I reveal my number 1 pick, here are a few honorable mentions.

Bonus: Raddish, Cucumbers, Curd, Bananas, and Dry fruits

5 Daily Foods you are eating the wrong way.

Raddish, Cucumbers, Curd, and Bananas are some foods that never to be eaten after sunset.

Dry fruits like almonds should always be soaked for 4 to 6 hours and their skin should be peeled off before eating.

If you want to eat almonds at night, better go for 100% pure edible almond oil mixed in milk instead.

Stuffed Parathas

5 Daily Foods you are eating the wrong way.

Coming back to the number 1 food that eats the wrong way is the Stuffed Parathas.

Stuffed Parathas are perhaps the most popular breakfast meal, especially in North India.

Seriously who doesn’t like a paratha? They are amazing for their delicious taste and different varieties. But there is a catch in it.

Most people while making a stuffed paratha like Gobhi paratha or Mooli paratha directly stuff the raw grated vegetable in the parantha.

This kind of paratha when eaten causes digestive issues like gas. 

This happens because it breaks the basic rule of ayurvedic cooking that cooked food and uncooked food should not be eaten together.

Simply because the digestion time and the gastric juices required to digest the cooked and uncooked food are different.

This principle is already handled well in Aloo paratha but when it comes to other paranthas it needs to be checked.

So the next time you make Gobhi paratha or Mooli paratha make sure that you fry the stuffing before adding.

Barely at 3-4 minutes before the cooking time but it will completely transform the nutritional impact.

So, friends, these were those five daily amazing foods which I felt that the majority of us are eating the wrong way.

Knowing the health benefits of food is one thing, but eating it the way it is eaten is meant to be eaten is what really matters.

And that’s what Ayurveda always presses on.

That’s all I hope you find this article to be helpful, if yes then let me show by giving your views in the comment section below.

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