Improve Digestive System At Home Naturally | 10 Ways to Improve Digestion

If you are facing any kind of digestive problems then this is the blog for you.

During the research of this article, I came across three interesting facts – 

  • A major chunk of people is facing some or the other issue related to digestion. 
  • Secondly, the solution to this problem is fairly easy and practical.
  • Thirdly, the impact of that solution is within a couple of days, not even weeks or months. 

So, without any further delay let’s get started. 

It is not what we eat but what we digest that makes us strong.

Almost 80% of the human illness is directly or indirectly related to the stomach, where the food is digested. 

Let alone, muscle building or fat loss with poor digestive system living disease-free is difficult. 

I want to start with five simple ways which will instantly put your digestive system on track. 

5 Ways to Get Instant Relief from Digestive Problems

Jeera Water (Cumin Seeds Water)

Jeera Water - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

One of the best home remedies for the weak digestive system. 

In a pan add 1 glass of water.

Put 1 teaspoon of cumin seeds into it. 

Let the water boil until it reduces to half the quantity. Strain and drink.

Cumin seeds very effectively increase the release of pile juice from the liver helping in digestion. 

It is also recommended to chew the leftover cumin seeds for better results. 

Hing Water (Asafoetida Water)

Hing Water - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

Asafoetida or Hing is another powerful spice which helps soothe gas and increase the blood flow in the digestive system. 

Simply mix two pinches of asafoetida in one glass of warm water and drink it 30 minutes before a meal. 

Isabgol (Psyllium Husk)

Isabgol w/ milk & curd - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

Isabgol w/ warm milk & isabgol w/curd

If you are suffering from constipation or diarrhoea, Isabgol or Psyllium Husk is what you need. 

Isabgol is probably the best way to clear the waste from your digestive tract. 

If you are suffering from constipation have one teaspoon of Isabgol powder mixed in one glass of warm milk 30 minutes before going to bed at night. 

And if you are suffering from diarrhoea have one teaspoon of Isabgol mixed in curd empty stomach in the morning.

Now here’s the thing with Isabgol. Isabgol mixture should be instantly consumed as it readily swells upon absorbing liquid.

Ajwain & Saunf (Carrom Seeds and Fennel Seeds)

Saunf & Jeera - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

Carrom and fennel seeds also known as Ajwain & Saunf respectively are known to boost the digestive system.

Simply chew one teaspoon of Ajwain & Saunf just after a meal. 

It will instantly help the food get digested. 

You can easily keep them handy with yourself.

Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe Vera Juice - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

Aloe vera juice increases the water content in your intestine helping you pass the stool normally. 

Mix 20 ml of aloe vera juice in warm water and have it empty stomach in the morning for fast results. 

So these were those five simple methods which will give instant relief from your digestive issues. 

Now let us talk about five lifestyle tips that will make your digestive system stronger. 

5 Lifestyle Changes to Make your Digestion Stronger

Water – Panacea For Digestive problems

Water - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

Drinking enough water is one of the most effective ways to cleanse the colon and remove toxins and solid waste from the body naturally. 

So make sure to keep a water bottle with yourself handy always. 

It is also very important to know that water should be consumed in between the meals and not with meals. 

Drinking water along with a meal or just after a meal will dilute the stomach acid hampering the digestion process. 

Keep a gap of at least 30 minutes. 

Food – Decides the Effectiveness of Digestive System

The food that we intake makes a huge impact on our digestive system. 

Regular consumption of processed,  deep-fried, and refined foods and foods with artificial colours, flavours have a tendency to stick on the inner walls of the intestine making the digestion process difficult.

Instead choose fibre-rich whole grains like oats, millets, whole wheat, brown rice, and nuts.

It is also recommended to include probiotic foods like curd, buttermilk, lassi to your daily diet as they increase the good bacteria in your gut easing the digestion. 

Probiotics Foods - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

Seasonal food should also be a part of your daily diet to reduce gas bloating and other digestive problems. 

Digestive Fruits - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

Apple, papaya, pineapple and guava are considered to be the best fruits to make the digestive system stronger, as they are very high in digestive enzymes and antioxidants. 

Daily consumption of one to two teaspoons of desi Cowghee also greatly helps in digestion. 

Exercise – Walking, Climbing Stairs, Gym etc

Exercise has a much more impact on the digestive system than what you may think.

Any form of exercise and body movement helps the food travel through the digestive tract faster. 

Exercise also increases the blood flow in the intestinal muscles, tones them and improve their contraction when passing the waist. 

Even low-level activity like walking post-dinner, climbing up the stairs will fetch you the desired results. 

Any Exercise - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

Vajra Asana (Thunderbolt Pose)

Vajra Asana is the most effective yoga posture to get rid of all stomach related problems.

Vajra Asana - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

It stimulates the Vajra Nadi which facilitates digestion. 

When you sit in Vajrasana more blood flows towards the stomach area helps in digestion. 

It is recommended to sit in Vajra Asana for three to five minutes after meals. 

Doing this daily whenever possible will help the digestion process in a big way. 

This brings me to the last point, which I feel is the most important, yet mostly ignored. 

Properly Chewing Food

How many times do you chew one bite of food? 

In today’s busy lifestyle people hardly chew the food that they’ll eat. 

The human body is designed in such a way that 50% of the digestion process should be completed in the mouth.

This is the place where saliva which consists of special digestive enzymes get mixed with the food.

Chew Your Food 30 times - Improve Digestion at Home naturally - FOODFACT

Ideally one should chew one bite of food at least 25 to 30 times. 

The number may sound huge in the beginning but slowly one can get closer. 

This one single habit can relieve you from all the digestive problems. Start practising today. 

So, we have discussed five instant solutions and five lifestyle changes. 

If you start following these tips no matter how weak your digestive system is at the moment, you will find it improving within one week, I promise you that. 

So, friends, that’s all. Did you found this article helpful? 

If yes, then do let me know in the comment section. And, also do not forget to share this blog.

Thank you so much for reading.

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