12 Best Plant Based Protein Foods which can replace your Non-Veg Diet.

Looking to get more protein in your diet? Worried that you don’t eat animal-based foods?

It might seem difficult to get protein when you’re on a vegetarian or vegan diet.  

But if you eat the right foods, you can easily meet your needs.Plant protein

In this article, we will be discussing the top 12 plant-based protein sources.  

Are chickpeas and peanuts great options for vegetarians?

What about quinoa and spirulina?  

Which plant-based food has all the nine essential amino acids your body needs?

We’ll be talking about all of these AND more…

Chickpeas [7.25gm]

Chickpeas - Plant Based Protein Foods - FOODFACT
Chickpeas – Plant Based Protein Foods – FOODFACT

Chickpeas are awesome! They’re delicious, nutty and filled with protein. And the best part, they’re versatile.

You can make chickpea salad, chickpea curry or even chickpea sandwiches.

Everything tastes great if you add chickpeas with the right seasoning.

Wondering how much protein these beans offer?  

Just half a cup of cooked chickpeas will give you 7.25 grams of protein.

People who don’t eat meat can rely on chickpeas to meet their protein needs.  

You can boil them and add it to your stews. Or roast them in the oven and eat them as a snack.  

Make sure you add a little salt, paprika and lemon for a tangy twist.

My favourite way to eat chickpeas is by making hummus from its paste.  

A wonderful protein-rich alternative to butter!

How do you like to eat chickpeas? Hot or cold? As a salad or curry?

Share your preferences with us in the comments below.

You can even share your favourite chickpea recipe!

Quinoa [8 gm]

Quinoa - Foods that Control Your Blood Sugar - FOODFACT

Quinoa is the one whole grain you need to include in your diet.

It’s an excellent source of protein, fibre and iron.

Just one cup of cooked quinoa will give you 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fibre.

But why is quinoa so special that I’m recommending you to eat it?

Most plant proteins aren’t complete by themselves.

They don’t give you the nine essential amino acids your body needs to stay healthy and strong. 

But quinoa is an exception.

This whole grain gives you all nine essential amino acids. 

This makes it a complete protein source.

And it’s gluten-free! So people with celiac disease can also have it.

Lentils [25%]

Lentils - Foods that Control Your Blood Sugar - FOODFACT

Looking to add delicious soups to your dinner?

Lentils are the right answer! They’re made up of 25% protein, which makes them an excellent alternative to meat.

Not just that, lentils are loaded with fibre too.

Eating more lentils would give you stronger muscles, better digestion and a healthier gut.  

And there are so many options to choose from.

Lentil soup is delicious for you. Try it now.

Tofu and Tempeh [10 gm & 15 gm]

Tofu & Tempeh - Plant Based Protein Foods - FOODFACT
Tofu & Tempeh – Plant Based Protein Foods – FOODFACT

There is a reason why the majority of fake meats are made from soy.

They don’t just help create a similar taste. 

They’re a good source of protein too!  

In fact, soy is the richest plant-based source of protein.

The amount of protein you get from soy would vary depending on what’s prepared.

Half a cup of tofu made from soybean curd would give you 10 grams of protein.  

Half a cup of tempeh will give you 15 grams of this muscle-building nutrient.

You can easily include tofu in your diet. 

Thanks to its neutral flavour.

Add it to your curry instead of cottage cheese.

This versatile meat substitute can also be added to sandwiches, soups and salads.

Besides loads of protein, soy also gives you iron and calcium.

Peanuts [20gm]

Peanuts - Plant Based Protein Foods - FOODFACT
Peanuts – Plant Based Protein Foods – FOODFACT

Craving a sandwich with lots of protein? 

It’s difficult to avoid eggs or meat. Don’t worry.

Peanut butter will solve this problem.

Peanuts are a powerhouse of nutrition, especially protein.

Half a cup gives you over 20 grams.

Peanuts are great for your heart as well, thanks to the healthy fats they contain.

If you’re an avid PB&J fan, here’s some good news.  

Peanut butter gives you 8 grams of protein from just one tablespoon.

So if you’re looking for a post workout protein-filled snack, a peanut butter sandwich is a good option.

Spirulina [8 gm]

Spirulina isn’t some exotic ingredient used to give your food interesting colours. 

It’s nutritious and great for your health.

This blue and green algae is rich in protein.

You can add it to your diet to boost your daily intake.

Two tablespoons of spirulina gives you 8 grams of protein.

You will also get lots of vitamin B, manganese and iron from it.

You will also get lots of vitamin B, manganese and iron from it.

These days there are exceptionally good spirulina powders and supplements available to buy.  

Make sure you get it from a reliable source.

Spirulina is an algae that grows in open water like the sea and oceans.  

If not processed properly, it contains heavy metal contaminants that are not good for your health.

Almonds [6 gm]

Almonds - Plant Based Protein Foods - FOODFACT
Almonds – Plant Based Protein Foods – FOODFACT

You will love them even more when you look at their nutritional value, especially their protein content.

If you’re looking to carry a handful of protein-rich snacks, you can opt for almonds.

One ounce serving of almonds will give you 6 grams of protein.  

Not just that, you will also get 4 grams of fibre.

With almonds, you get loads of magnesium, manganese and vitamin E.

But there is one more reason you should be snacking on almonds.

They give you healthy fats!

The ones your body loves! Just make sure you’re eating raw or roasted almonds.

That’s the best way to eat them for amazing health benefits!

Mycoprotein [13gm]

Mycoprotein - Plant Based Protein Foods - FOODFACT
Mycoprotein – Plant Based Protein Foods – FOODFACT

Mycoprotein is a meat alternative you will often find in fake chicken nuggets and burgers.

It is, in fact, a nutritious fungus based protein that gives you 13 grams of protein in just half a cup serving.

But before you go shopping for mycoprotein foods, here’s an important piece of advice.  

People with food allergies, especially mushrooms, need to talk to their doctor before including mycoprotein in their diet.

Make sure you check the label of foods you’re buying for their mycoprotein content.

Sometimes they might contain egg white.

Chia seeds [2 gm]

Chia Seeds - Foods that Control Your Blood Sugar - FOODFACT

How about a crunchy addition to your oatmeal or almond milk smoothie?  

One that tastes awesome and doubles up the protein power?

I’m talking about chia seeds.

They’re a great addition to your diet, thanks to their impressive nutritional profile.

One tablespoon of chia seeds gives you 2 grams of protein.  

You can eat quite a few spoonfuls since chia seeds are low in calories!

These crunchy, nutty seeds also have heart-friendly omega-3 fatty acids and fibre. Isn’t that wonderful?

Now all you need to do is eat chia seeds on their own OR sprinkle them on top of your salads.

Beans with rice [7 gm]

Beans with Rice - Plant Based Protein Foods - FOODFACT
Beans with Rice – Plant Based Protein Foods – FOODFACT

This is a classic combo.

Not just because of the taste, but all the protein power!

When eaten together, rice and beans give you 7 grams of protein per cup.


No wonder so many cultures across the world feature rice and beans as the staple dish.

Looking for a complete protein packed dinner?

Why not have rice and beans as the main dish while you have chickpea hummus and roasted tofu for starters!

Potatoes [8gm]

Potatoes - Plant Based Protein Foods - FOODFACT
Potatoes – Plant Based Protein Foods – FOODFACT

Some experts will tell you to avoid potatoes as much as you can. They aren’t your enemy.

In fact, potatoes can be healthy if you cook them the right way. They’re so nutritious.

Who would have thought about them being a protein source? They really are!

One large baked potato gives you 8 grams.

You will also get loads of potassium and vitamin C.

Just be mindful of cooking them in a health-friendly way.  

Fries are potatoes too, but they have harmful cholesterol and bad fats!

Instead, add hummus to your mashed potatoes to increase both the protein content AND taste!

Ezekiel Bread [4 gm]

Ezekiel Bread - Plant Based Protein Foods - FOODFACT
Ezekiel Bread – Plant Based Protein Foods – FOODFACT

You probably haven’t heard of this one. It does have a strange name.

Who said you need to give up on bread if you’re looking to stay healthy? 

Breads can be nutritious if they’re made right.

For instance, the traditional Ezekiel bread is loaded with protein.

Just one slice of Ezekiel bread will give you 4 grams.

This bread is made from wheat, lentils, barley and a few other things.

No need to give up on your favourite sandwiches and toast. Just replace normal bread with the Ezekiel version. 

You can make it healthier by spreading it with peanut butter. Or maybe make an almond butter tofu sandwich!

So these are plant-based proteins. Tell me in the comments, which one you’re going to try?

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