6 Amazing Benefits of Celery for Men that one need to know about | Celery Benefits for Men

Most people see celery as that boring side veggie that comes with your chicken wings. Well smarten up!  

Because celery has all kinds of amazing health benefits.

And the benefits vary depending on your gender.

Why don’t we talk today about 6 Celery Benefits for Men that you need to know about. Celery Benefits for Men that everyone need to know about.

Do they lower your blood pressure? What hormones can celery increase? Is there a special vitamin it’s loaded with?

Wait, does it actually make it easier to have children? We’re talking all that AND more…

#1 It May Increase Your Fertility

We’re starting things off on a hot and heavy note. 

We have to tread lightly around this topic.

To put it simply, celery might increase a man’s chances of having kids.  

The more you eat, the more you’ll be able to… you know… do it.

The ability to have children is something both men and women think about often.

Especially as they get older. Male fertility has more to do with… you know… sperm count.

It also helps your motility, but you probably don’t know what that is.

“Jeeze, first we’re talking about celery.

Now we’re throwing random science words at me? What kind of blogpost am I reading?” Just bear with me for a second…

Motility is the ability for your body’s cell to move properly.

This is really important if you’re going to… reproduce?

Celery can make a difference in these areas.

You see, celery has a healthy balance of both Vitamin C and phytonutrients.

While Vitamin C boosts fertility in its own way, phytonutrients reduce inflammation.

Because of this, the antioxidant will decrease your risk of disease and improve your fertility.

Studies have shown that animals who eat a celery leaf extract have a higher… you know… sperm count than those who don’t.

Mind you, the extract is a little more powerful from solid celery or celery juice.

But don’t let this stop you from eating more of this veggie.

#2 It Lowers Blood Pressure

Celery can really do a lot of good for your blood pressure.

This should make all the men watching this want to hop in the car and speed to the local supermarket. Why? Well it hits home.

Studies have shown that almost 80% of men ages 55 and older have some form of hypertension. What is that?

Well hypertension is the really classy way of saying YOU’RE BLOOD PRESSURE IS DANGEROUSLY HIGH! If you don’t watch out, you will develop heart disease and possibly die from a heart attack or stroke.

So now that I’ve scared you a bit, try eating celery.

How is this the answer you ask?  

Well it’s all thanks to the nitrates, chemicals that are found in soil, air and water. Since almost 95% of the celery is made of water, you’re going to find a lot of this.

Nitrates dilate your blood vessels and allow your blood to flow a little easier.  

This will lower your blood pressure and make your heart much healthier.

In addition to the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure is also a reason why men are unable to “PERFORM” so to speak.  

That as far as I’m going to go with that.

But research shows that certain fruits and veggies, celery included, help men deal with this issue.

Still with me here, veggie lovers?

“Yeah, I have a question.

If celery is mostly water like you say, why don’t I just drink a glass and save myself the misery of having to eat celery? I’ll still get those nitrates, won’t I?” Hmm, not a bad point.

This brings me to my next entry actually…

#3 Celery Has Lots of Vitamin K

Another vitamin? Oh no! Relax, gents.

There’s a lot Vitamin K can do for your health. And eating celery gets you there quicker.

Vitamin K takes care of the blood. It regulates the amount of calcium in your bloodstream and takes care of blood clotting.

As for your bones, it helps with their metabolism.  

In other words, Vitamin K can keep you alive and in healthy shape.

One cup of celery contains 30% of your daily Vitamin K requirement.  

Oh you’re still not a fan of celery are you?

Well how about you try some kale, spinach or turnip. There’s plenty of Vitamin K in those, and to be honest they sound like they’re right up your alley. No? Then try some celery and be happy.  

Especially if your doctor has been concerned lately about your blood clots and bone strength.

#4 It Helps Digestive Issues

This is probably the most powerful benefit celery has.

Everyone has problems digesting, but let’s be honest guys, your diet can be a bit better.

With all the fatty foods we eat, whether it’s burgers, fries and pizza, it’s no wonder we have so much trouble digesting.

How many times have you felt constipated after a night out with the boys? Too personal? Alright, my bad.

But this is why celery is your ideal choice. 

We’ve spoken about how much water celery has, and this will give bulk to your stool. There’s a pretty picture, am I right?

But it’s not just water it’s important.

Celery’s fibre also needs a bit of shine as well.

Fibre is crucial for your digestive system.

It keeps the digestive system going.

This allows your foods to process easier.

If you’re not getting the proper amount of fibre, your food’s not going to go down right.

But there’s other improvements.

You’ll also be having regular bowel movements.

Oh joy! And I need to talk more about the antioxidants in celery.

They lower inflammation and keep your digestive tract healthy.

There are also compounds that will reduce your chances of getting ulcers.  

These are sores that develop on the lining of your stomach, intestines and esophagus.

Trust me, you don’t want them. In other words, start eating more celery.

Your digestive system will thank you.

#5 Celery Might Be an Aphrodisiac

Now don’t get your hopes up just yet.

There is actually limited evidence to support this claim.  


Well it kind of goes back to the topic of… you… doing “it”.

Aphrodisiacs are substances that increase a person’s desire to… “Do the deed”… I guess you can say… Alright that was cheesy.

They stimulate you and get you in the mood for love… Alright, that was cheesy too. Anyways, I’ll just move on.

Pheromones are important with this too.  

These are hormones that operate outside of your body and contribute to your… you know… urges.

Some experts claim that celery can act as an aphrodisiac, since it carries these pheromones. 

Unfortunately, not too much research has been conducted on this.

So we really don’t know for sure. I’d still eat more celery though.

ALSO READ: What is Testosterone? How to Boost Testosterone Naturally?

#6 It Raises Your Androsterone?

Again, something you probably haven’t heard of.

It’s certainly not a common word around my dinner table.

But there have been claims that celery has a lot of Androsterone.

This is a steroid hormone that helps your level of testosterone.  

This is a hormone that does a lot of different things for a man’s body.  

It can help us build muscle and bone mass, while increasing our mood for… you know… “THE THING”.  

And yes, women can get testosterone also, but it is normally converted into estrogen.

Is your body covered in hair?

Well you have this hormone to thank for that.  

Androsterone contributes to a man’s body hair. This is why men are generally hairier.

The hormone can also be found in human sweat.

Again, going back to the reproduction subject.

Because celery is said to have decent Androsterone, there is reason to believe that the veggie will increase men’s… you know… drive in that area.

But this is still up for debate.

Several different studies have been done on the effect celery’s Androsterone really has.  

But there is no concrete evidence that it improves your urge to… you know… Has that joke run its course yet? I think so.

Vegetables are lifesavers, that’s for sure.

From keeping your heart healthy to helping your digestion.  

Do you like celery?

Has it had any of the effects that we mentioned? Let us know in the comments below!

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