Top 7 Pre-Workout meal options to lose fat and gain muscle

Preworkout meal not only will help you maximize your performance while working out but it will also minimize your muscle damage.

A pre-workout meal can be taken one and a half to two and half before working out or heading to the gym. Depending upon the metabolism of the usual, because you want to make sure that the pre-workout meal is digested before you start working out.

You will basically need carbohydrates in the pre-workout meal.

Preferably complex carbohydrates because they provide you with energy for a longer period of time and then you also need some good amount of protein because when you work out your muscle fibre break and protein constantly repair that damage muscle fibre.

So let me share with you some of the pre-workout meal options that will help you lose fat and gain muscle –

  • Chickpeas chaat (काबुली चने की चाट) – This one is usually one of the best options because chickpeas are high in complex carbs, moderate in proteins and low in fat. And that is all you need before working out. You can make them in bulk and store them in the refrigerator. You can also use black peas instead of chickpeas.
  • Orange Oats (संतरे  और ओट्स ) – If you’re into fitness industry you’ll probably know that orange is considered as one of the best foods to be taken before a workout. It keeps your body hydrated. And oats we know is a great source of complex carbs and it also has B-Vitamins which help to convert carbohydrates into energy. Adding a few egg whites to this meal will make it perfect.
  • Banana, Some peanut butter with Roti (केला, पीनट बटर और रोटी ) – Banana has potassium and roti has complex carbs and peanut butter has protein it also has healthy fats. So make sure to have it before 2 hours. Because you don’t want that your blood flow is high in the stomach as compared to the blood flow in your muscles. Try don’t use bread instead of roti because it has fine-floor (मैदा  )mixed in it.
  • Egg Bhurji and Roti (अंडा भुर्जी और रोटी) – Another easy and very effective pre-workout meal option will be 3-4 egg whites bhurji along with whole wheat roti.
  • Customized oatmeal (ओट्स,  दही और फल ) – Natural oats, low-fat yogurt with your favorite fruits. That’s all you need to make a pre-workout meal. Mixed some black basils(काली तुसली) to enhance the taste.
  • Green banana smoothie (पालक, केला और ओट्स स्मूथी) – Now people who prefer drinking over eating will love this spinach, banana & oats smoothie. Not only does it look great but it also tastes delicious. Surely makes a great pre-workout meal option to have it.
  • Roasted peas( भूंजा हुआ चना) – if you’re too busy in your daily routine, then you can have this as your meal ready to eat, roasted chickpeas

That’s about your meal for pre-workout. If you want you can also take a cup of green tea or black coffee 15 or 20 minutes before your workout. This is to get the extra caffeine kick. However, this is completely optional.

I hope you find this blog helpful, feel free to share.
You can also check out post-workout meal option here.

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